Living in Boulder County has it's perks! Especially wnen you're subscribed to JROC Weekly where you get exclusive deals, access to "open tabs" at the businesses you love supporting, live music, and other unique happenings in the community.
Meet Rocco Montana, the man behind JROC WEEKLY, a dedicated weekly newsletter designed from a heart for community.
From educational events, local discounts, new restaurants, and amazing local businesses that we spotlight, you're bound to get immense value as a subscriber.
Plus we love hiding gift cards around town as an "open tab" only for our members!
Each week we drop off a $100 gift card at a new business in Boulder County and all you have to do is mention JROC at the checkout to see if there are any funds left to put towards your purchase!
Grab a selfy and tag us on socials to say thank you! We love seeing happy JROCers in the community!
Rocco actively practices Jiu-Jitsu and always ready to defend threats kicked his way. Stop by 10 university Dr from 2-4pm on Sunday November 24th in Longmont if you're looking for a great home steps away from one of the most iconic lakes with views of the mountains!
Performances kick off with the local dance group Kidz in Locomotion, part of ASPIRE: Aerial, Dance & Movement. Next, Boulder Ballet will be performing classic excerpts from the Nutcracker. The programming wraps up with holiday favorites sung by the Boulder Chorale children and adult choirs with special appearances from our friends from the North Pole, downtown's Freezie the Snowman, Mrs. Claus and Santa himself! Everything starts at 5pm!
We've assembled these two guides for you to help in your journey. For Sellers, we found these 13 things to be some of the most forgotten items when selling a home. We aren't here to just sell your house, we are passionate about people and so we love guiding you along the way. For Buyers looking to relocate to Boulder County, grab our relocation guide that has all kinds of info from schools and parks to neighborhoods and areas to live.
If you'd like peace of mind about what your home is worth today so you can better assess your next move, refinance, or analyze the buying power you have to expand your real estate portfolio, contact us today to start a friendly conversation where Rocco will answer any questions you have!